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Pact Model 1 XP Chronograph
Part Number Pact 1 XP Chronograpg
Pact Model 1 XP Chronograph
Pact Model 1 XP Chronograph
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PACT Model 1 XP
Height 2 1/4" Width 5" Length 5 1/4" Weight 15 Oz., 4 Digit Display, OptionalInfrared Printer Driver, 24 Shot Memory, Shot Number And Velocity AutomaticallyDisplayed, Calculates Average, Hi Lo, Extreme Spread, Standard Deviation. 30 DayMoney Back Guarantee and Limited Lifetime Warranty. Made In USA.


The NEW Model 1 XP Chronograph delivers solid reliable and accurate chronographperformance at a great price. We incorporated the same Glint Guard2 BulletDetection System we use on our top of the line Professional Chronograph andinclude the new MKVI Skyscreen System and mounting bar at no extra cost. Theadvantage of using skyscreens over the little throw away down-range-boxchronographs is that the chronograph itself sits safely next to you, where youcan easily read the display and operate the controls. And of course when yourbuddy (never you) misses and hits a skyscreen, it can be repaired for a fewdollars by simply replacing the damaged plastic pieces. The Model 1 XP displaysshot number and velocity when you fire, and calculates the Average velocity,Extreme Spread, Standard and Average Deviation and of course allows you torecall the individual shots. This Chronograph, like all our products, is made byus here in America and comes with a lifetime warrantee. .

Which Chronograph is for me?

All of our chronographs are equally accurate. They all use the same skyscreensand internal detection circuits. They're all equally easy to set up and use. Thedifferences between them are really in the computing power, software anddisplay. If you're only interested in velocity measurements and don't care abouttrajectory information the Model 1 XP is the chronograph for you.

From a chronograph standpoint, the PC2 makes use of its 32 character display toconcurrently give you the shot number, velocity and current average velocity.This display combined with our Hot Key
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