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PACT Digital Precision Powder Dispenser
Part Number Pact DPPD
PACT Digital Precision Powder Dispenser
PACT Digital Precision Powder Dispenser
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PACT Digital Precision Powder Dispenser

Only the dispenser is included, scale shown in pic is NOTincluded.

Height 5 1/4", Width 5 7/8", Length 8", Weight 16 oz. 16 Key Sealed RubberKeypad, One Pound Capacity, Will Dispense Any Smokeless Powder, As Accurate AsThe Scale (required) +- .1 grains. AC Powered. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee andLifetime Warranty. Made in USA.

Do You Want Precision?

One of the reasons we reload is our fondness for precision. Not only theprecision with which a finely crafted load performs, but the satisfaction wereceive from knowing we've done everything we can to insure uniformity andquality; precision.

The Precise Load

Clearly one of the keys to performance is the carefully worked up load. Severaldifferent bullets and powders with different charge weights are experimentedwith until you're satisfied that you've found the ideal combination. The problemwith this is the tremendous amount of time it takes to produce, say 25 differentloads (5 powders at 5 different charge weights). I think we'd all have toconcede that there have been times that we've thrown in the towel on loaddevelopment a little earlier then we'd care to admit for lack of time to chasemanual powder dispensers and balance beam scales.

Automatic Precision

Working with the PACT Digital Precision Powder Scale the new PACT DigitalPrecision Powder Dispenser puts an end to the hassle of endlessly fiddling withmanual powder dispensers. Working with our Digital Precision Powder Scale(required) the Dispenser will give you the exact charge weight you've asked for.Want 61.9 grains? Type it in and press Dispense. Your Dispenser will take itfrom there, depositing your powder directly into the powder pan resting on theScale. The Scale tells the Dispenser the actual charge weight as it's beingdispensed using our infrared data port (required). The information from theScale allows the dispenser to precisely meter the charges, trickling the lastfew tenths. In other words, each load is as accurate as it would be if youweighed each charge, trickling each one to the correct weight by hand. Thedifference is that the dispenser won't get tired or bored, and won't complain.It'll just sit there giving you what you asked for time after time.

New High Speed Dispenser System

You talk we listen. Since it's introduction in 1996, the PACT Digital PowderDispenser revolutionized reloading by delivered one tenth grain accuracy witheven the most hard to measure extruded powders; automatically delivering "handtrickled" tenth grain accuracy at the push of a button every time. Over theyears there has been one big request from our customers, particularly the folksloading large volume cartridges - make it faster.

Our new New High Speed Dispenser System delivers the same charge accuracy as ouroriginal system, but in about 1/3 the time. The larger the load the greater thetime savings

"I must tell you that that I have been using my PACT scale for several years nowand have been most satisfied with its performance. It has performed flawlesslyover under a wide set of circumstances... I have been hand-loading now for 27years and must admit to you that my new PACT Digital Powder Dispenser/PACTDigital Powder Scale does as good a job (OR BETTER) as I can do with my manualpowder measure and manual powder trickler. Furthermore it measures out thecharges very quickly and VERY VERY accurately. I could possibly be as accurateby hand, but it would take a lot of time and effort. I am absolutely in awe ofthis system and highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about hand-loading.It makes a tedious task so easy and fast that it puts the fun back intoreloading.

Thank you for all your good work and great products. Keep them coming." K. V.Spring, Texas

So How's it Work?

Same as the original, just faster. Working with our Digital Precision PowderScale the High Speed Dispenser gives you the exact charge weight you've askedfor. Want 65.4 grains? Type it in and press Dispense. Your Dispenser will takeit from there, depositing your powder directly into the powder pan resting onthe Scale. The Scale tells the Dispenser the actual charge weight as it's beingdispensed using our infrared data port. The information from the Scale allowsthe dispenser to precisely meter the charges, carefully trickling the last fewtenths. In other words each load is as accurate as it would be if you weighedeach charge, trickling each one to the correct weight by hand. The difference isthat the dispenser won't get tired or bored, and won't complain. It'll just sitthere giving you what you asked for time after time.

Q: Does the new PACT system require calibration?

A: Yes, absolutely. We don't consider that an option. Different powders havedifferent characteristics. The automatic calibration that the PACT Dispenserperforms is what allows us to deliver the precision that our customers expect.Understand that the calibration is fully automatic and just takes a few seconds.

Q: Other then speed, are there any other improvements?

A: When we designed the original Dispenser, we did not anticipate folksproducing loads over 99.9 grains. Then the .50 BMG caught on. The new dispenserwill allow you to key in up to 300 grains.

Q: Is the PACT High Speed Dispenser compatible with my RCBS Powder Pro scale.

A: Yes, absolutely.

Q: Where is the Dispenser manufactured, I heard all this stuff comes from RedChina?

A: That is a sore subject around here. None of our products are made "offshore." They are all made right here in Texas. This includes all of ourelectronic Scales, Shooting Timers, Chronographs and the Powder Dispenser.

Q: Wouldn't they be cheaper if you made them in China like your competitors havedone?

A: Yes they would.

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