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Merit Optical Attachment
Part Number Merit Optical
Merit Optical Attachment
Merit Optical Attachment
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By increasing the shooter's eyes' depth of field, this device eliminates blurry sights and targets providing the shooter with a clear sight picture.
•Works with bifocals, trifocals, and safety glasses.
•Attaches with a non-scratch suction cup.
•Lightweight under 1/5 oz.
•Aperture varies from .022 in. to .156 in. diameter.
•Pivots out of way when not shooting.
•Works great with rifles that have open sights, perfect for muzzleloaders.
•Works with red dots, restores image to a crisp dot.
•Promotes consistent hold by keeping your head and sights aligned the same shot after shot.
•Fast getting on target since it is on your glasses rather than your pistol. •No gunsmithing required.
•Compact: stores in 1" x 1" x 1" box. All Merit discs are designed to accommodate the accuracy requirements of target shooters and the durability needs of hunters.

All of our products are hand built. We use the best materials and perform quality control inspections on every part at every step of assembly. How They Work The Merit Optical Attachment sticks securely to your glasses with a small suction cup. The human eye, whether or not prescription glasses are required, cannot focus on both sights and the target at the same time. The eye will constantly shift focus from the sights to the target trying to ensure proper alignment. Unfortunately, as we age, the eye loses the flexibility which allows it to do this; thus, sights and target begin to grow fuzzy.

There is a simple way to combat this by increasing your eyes' depth of field (range of focus). If you look through an aperture or pinhole of the correct size, you will be able to see both sights clearly, and the target will be clearly defined as well. It was utilizing the principle of a pinhole that allowed the original box camera to work without a lens, and its pictures were in clear focus from about 2 feet out to infinity. To check out this phenomena for yourself, try this rough, but inexpensive, experiment: Make a fist, put it up to your shooting eye, and look through the tunnel formed by your fingers. By manipulating your fingers, you can adjust the size of the hole.

Hold a pencil out at arm's length; the point represents your front sight. Pick out a distant object to be the target. Sight through your fist, adjust the hole to the right size, and you will be able to focus on both objects near and far. Merit apertures are adjustable, allowing the shooter to change the setting based upon the lighting conditions and the range of the target. Our apertures are all iris shutter style; you simply turn the front clockwise to close it down and counter clockwise to open it up, and your point of impact will not change.

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